CQC Webinar at 5pm PST today


Senior Member
In case anyone here is interested, a few of us are doing a CQC Webinar at 5pm PST today. PM me if you want contact info, its a "personal meeting room" link so I don't want it posted on google. It'll be put up on YouTube later, I'll post the link if anyone cares.
It'll obviously be CQC specific, and i'm walking through the below items. For the non CQC'ers, IV=interface viewer = user templates.
Primary Topic: How I'm setting up screens so that a user can enable or disable:
A) Use an IV to pick items to be included in events.
What lights will be included in my 3 daily events (Sunrise, Sunset, Shutdown), and 3 vacation events (OnSunset, OnLater, Off). We seem to be changing the former every 6 weeks. Halloween outdoor lights. No wait, Xmas. lights. No wait it's January, none of those. No wait DST, change again. Oh wait days are getting longer. Hold up it's summer time, kids out of school, change it again.
B )  How a user can pause/resume those events from the IV
As we seem to forget EVERY time we leave the house on vacation and I need to LogMeIn upon arriving at our destination)
C) Use the IV to change times of events.
Well, this is a stretch topic as I don't yet understand GetSchEvInfo or SetSchEvInfo, but once I do a user will also be able to see WHEN the events run and change them. I used to do this via the IV back in V3 days to adjust my irrigation timings but it was wickedly cumbersome and those commands didn't exist. I deleted those templates, but no desire to redo that given these commands.