Dial a phone number from any app


New Member
I have been scouring the web for a little utility to auto-dial phone numbers from any app using Windows dialing rules (ie: highlight it then right-click, send-to or drag & drop onto a tray icon). I keep a lot of phone numbers in lists other than formal address books (like Outlook Notes). I've found a few utilities out there that can do something similar, but they're either 16bit apps, overstuffed with all sorts of other features, or can't coexist with other TAPI software like Homeseer Phone. Actually, if I could just get some help on VBS calls, I could take a stab at it.

I did find a promising utility that the author no longer supports....DiaLog32....looked really great but it won't work on my Win2KPro machine with HomeSeer Phone running (some error about Port is not opened even though it is configured properly). No response from the author to an email request.

Any help is appreciated.
