TV paradigm shift....finally


Active Member
You know I always hated how TV's were not as automated and had all the extra crap you never use.  They should be giant monitors.
Well Vizio finally agrees and is going for the win.  This shouldmake automation easier as well.
The new P series TV’s from Vizio….NO TUNER.  Literally they stream everything from the free tablet, or any tablet phone.  They still have inputs for everything, but this is HUGE in everyone’s world who has a phone/tablet.  No remote control! (although still accepts IR commands)
This article does a great job of explaining it.  Really good read.  I think their on the right track as younger generations think like this.
Thought you guys would enjoy
On all my secondary BR TVs I do use streaming boxes.  No use paying for boxes for TV's that get used rarely.
Guests like the streaming more anyhow
Panasonic and Pioneer used to do this years ago with a line of their plasmas.  While I never bought one, they were on my radar when shopping as I really liked the idea.  Unfortunately, they were usually only available through integrators which drove up the pricing.
I guess the advantage of this model is that they give you a streaming tablet over you having to buy your own box?
Interesting article in The Verge.  I don't know though, it smells to me like just a bigger 'tablet remote'.  Not a bad idea though.