Can the M1EZ8 be rebooted without a power cycle?


Two questions:
1) Can the M1EZ8 be rebooted without a power cycle; i.e. is there a hardware access point on the board where you can install a switch or a jumper and force a reboot without having to unplug the battery and remove the AC transformer?
2) Using the M!XEP, is there a way to force a reboot of the M1EZ8?

I am asking because I recently installed a M1XSP and some serial thermostats in my house, and I had to do a bunch of power cycles to get everything working.
Solves a low battery cutoff and power switch for a reasonable cost. Only place you can't use those units is with an Altronix power supply. Unfortunately, the tech note on Elk's site regarding this is from my company, the current limiting resistor on the Altronix is a different value than an Elk supply and the batteries will not fully charge.