Premise Does "OnChangeBindings" work?

Motorola Premise


Senior Member
I created a Property Change script called OnChangeBindings. If I understand it correctly, modifying an object's binding *should* trigger the script.

In practice, I can't make it work. My OnChangeBindings script is never triggered no matter how many times I add/remove a binding. BTW, the script is designed to simply print a message to the Windows debug console.

Is this a bug or have I misunderstood how OnChangeBindings is supposed to work?

New > Script > Property Change and then, using the "Select Property" dialog box, choose "Bindings" from the "All" tab.

The OnChangeBindings script is in a Device Driver object and not in a Home object.
FWIW, a Home object can have an "OnChangeBoundObject" Property Change script and it works as expected ... add or remove a binding and the script is triggered.

Can someone please confirm that a device's OnChangeBindings property script will not trigger when you bind/unbind the device.

To test it, select an existing device (implemented as a Module), perhaps some sort of A/V equipment, and create an OnChangeBindings script on one of its A/V Inputs. Put some code in the script that sets a flag and put a breakpoint on it.

Now bind a Home-level object to the A/V Input and then delete the binding. You'd think the script would trigger at least once ... but it doesn't. It is either a bug or I've misunderstood how it works.