Recent content by Spam

  1. S

    Solar Power Basics

    Thanks again. I might consider doing an 80W panel after looking at the pricing and benefit. I would like to run my small stereo off it for say, 1-2 hours a day, and the occasional Wii game or two. I've not looked at the electric draw for either device yet, but I don't think 10W will do it...
  2. S

    Solar Power Basics

    Thanks a lot for the info guys. I really appreciate it. While heating is not my primary concern, I'm sure the prinicples will apply to running some basic electronic devices. I'll take a look at those links. Thanks again!
  3. S

    Solar Power Basics

    I found this interesting. It's DC, so no loss on the conversion from DC/AC, and it's meant to wire directly to car battery. Don't even have to cut the ciggy adapter off. Mixed Reviews
  4. S

    Solar Power Basics

    I was entertaining the idea of trying out some solar power. I quickly realized I had no clue what I needed. Without getting into power consumption versus need, is it really as simple as this? Panel outputs DC Run panel to a deep cycle battery Batter to DC -> AC converter Converter to end...
  5. S

    [PROMOTION] CQC Software Giveaway Contest

    Please Count me in! Thanks Dean
  6. S's New Years resolution

    Congrats on one year!! And hey, that makes it an anniversary for my membership too. Go me! Well done sight E. I do wish I had more time to devote and actually work on this stuff more, but you guys are always there when I have Q's. VERY much appreciated!
  7. S

    Is this a good deal?

    here is the link with the sessionID ripped out.. should work
  8. S

    JRFUDA wins "Smart Home Hacks" book

    Nice job Jr! Tell us what you think! and definately do share what you find usefull. I found E's review very helpful and inspiring.
  9. S

    Merry Xmas electron

    Keep up the good work E!
  10. S


    Figured as much. I know quite a bit of the news sites are ticked that google can't spider them since they require the bloodsucking registration. Figured that the googlebot had to be something allong the same lines. Thanks for the info E:
  11. S


    I got HS at $39.95 and will never regret that decision. However at $150 for what I do (not much) I'll NEVER suggest to any one thinking of 'tinkering' with the software to touch it. Its too much to just tinker with. I've not used any of the other apps, but I've been wanting to do that. With...
  12. S


    Ohh got a phone call in the middle of post. I assume its an account you created to allow Google to cache the site?
  13. S


    I was trolling the forums and saw googlebot on there. I noticed that I couldn't click on googlebot as a userlink, just thought that was kind of interesting. So E: Who or what is googlebot? Have the google web spiders figured out ways to create forum accounts now? There are 8 online users...
  14. S

    [Review] Smart Home Hacks by Gordon Meyer

    Put me down as registered!
  15. S

    HSP Modem

    I'll have to look into that then. I really like the answering machine setup with HSP, but the sound quality just isn't what I want. Thanks for the info guys. I'll check that out.