Brultech ECM-1240 Software Development

I've noticed for a while that if you leave it running, it stops refreshing when it hits the end of the current hour it was on. Or at least, it refreshes, but doesn't show data for the actual *current time*. I've always considered that a bug, unless I'm wrong, in which case I'd expect Paul to get to it at some point.
I consider it a bug as well, but thought I would check to see if anyone has come up with a work around--if not, I may try to write an AutoIT script to push the "View Current Time (now)" button once each hour.
I've uploaded an archive containing empty rrd files in that same directory which will give you a start. Keep in mind their interval is 1 second.

Great work with the perl version! :D

Do you plan on supporting a serial interface? That was a secondary reason for pyecm, it works with both etherbee and the serial setup(on top of working in Linux/OSX).

I would love to include PowerMeter and RRD support, but just havent had the time to properly add and test it. And fixing this supposed issue with counters rolling over would be nice too. :(
I've uploaded an archive containing empty rrd files in that same directory which will give you a start. Keep in mind their interval is 1 second.

Great work with the perl version! :)

Do you plan on supporting a serial interface? That was a secondary reason for pyecm, it works with both etherbee and the serial setup(on top of working in Linux/OSX).

I would love to include PowerMeter and RRD support, but just havent had the time to properly add and test it. And fixing this supposed issue with counters rolling over would be nice too. :)

Sure has gone quiet again...on all fronts (even the Western one:)).
I've uploaded an archive containing empty rrd files in that same directory which will give you a start. Keep in mind their interval is 1 second.

Great work with the perl version! ;)

Do you plan on supporting a serial interface? That was a secondary reason for pyecm, it works with both etherbee and the serial setup(on top of working in Linux/OSX).

I would love to include PowerMeter and RRD support, but just havent had the time to properly add and test it. And fixing this supposed issue with counters rolling over would be nice too. :(

Sure has gone quiet again...on all fronts (even the Western one:)).

Bump,bump... anybody heard anything from Brultech on the software front? Looks like at last check they were waiting on a newer version of the Dashboard from the developer, but an update on the site would be at least tell us that we could eventually expect something. Is anyone else doing current software development for the ECM-1240???
We have great support for the ECM-1240 and the ISY for a total energy management solution.

I've uploaded an archive containing empty rrd files in that same directory which will give you a start. Keep in mind their interval is 1 second.

Great work with the perl version! :)

Do you plan on supporting a serial interface? That was a secondary reason for pyecm, it works with both etherbee and the serial setup(on top of working in Linux/OSX).

I would love to include PowerMeter and RRD support, but just havent had the time to properly add and test it. And fixing this supposed issue with counters rolling over would be nice too. :(

Sure has gone quiet again...on all fronts (even the Western one:)).
Anyone have any suggestions for a gumstick or wall-wart PC that can run linux on the cheap? Would be nice to have a low power device that I could plug in, using the perl script from mgandalf, and have a web interface on it.
Sure has gone quiet again...on all fronts (even the Western one:)).

Bump,bump... anybody heard anything from Brultech on the software front? Looks like at last check they were waiting on a newer version of the Dashboard from the developer, but an update on the site would be at least tell us that we could eventually expect something. Is anyone else doing current software development for the ECM-1240???

Looks like Brultech switched hosts, found this by accident today when I noticed that the usual server site was down. Be really nice if they'd keep their customers updated on such minor details.... :unsure:
Looks like Brultech switched hosts, found this by accident today when I noticed that the usual server site was down. Be really nice if they'd keep their customers updated on such minor details.... :unsure:
I don't think they switched domains (yet). The domain has been around for a while, I think it is their testbed. It certainly doesn't look ready for prime-time, although the design is an improvement over the site of confusion. I would speculate that is down for a technical reason (the domain is not expired).

But in that same note, I have been trying to get some technical emails answered and the results have been spotty. 1 email gets answered, but others go unanswered, even after resends. IMHO, it is a great product at a fair price, but the support & software & documentation are holding it back.
But in that same note, I have been trying to get some technical emails answered and the results have been spotty. 1 email gets answered, but others go unanswered, even after resends. IMHO, it is a great product at a fair price, but the support & software & documentation are holding it back.

It seems like their hosting company may have had a problem. I agree that the product itself has terrific potential in these times of higher energy costs, they are obviously going through some growing pains while demand for their product and service is very high.
I've experienced the same as you, however I think the current lack of response is due to their technical problems because it was also affecting email.

I met Paul about 3 weeks ago, he delivered my order personally on a Friday when he realized that it wouldn't get to me before the long weekend. Prior to the current technical problem I was getting good support responses from him. It would be great if there was a user forum dedicated to the Brultech product, I'm sure many of my questions would have been experienced by other users in the past, this would save Brultech having to answer the same questions over and over. There may be a forum somewhere but I haven't found it yet.

It seems like their hosting company may have had a problem.
They have now re-directed to and posted a message about the failure of their host. Wonder who it was?
The company hosting our website and email server has been down since the early hours of May 28, 2010.
Since the hosting company has not been able to resolve their technical issues, we have taken steps to transfer our website and mail server to a new host.
We apologize for any inconvenience or "un-deliverable" emails.
It also looks like they have cleaned up all the token latin placeholders and the site is much improved. The download links seem current and functional :unsure: