Cai Webcontrol Email notification

I don't think so. I have the latest which is 3.01.07 and I believe that it is the first version with that feature. Won't hurt to try.

You can use get commands on that firmware however.

http:// your.ip.address/getall.cgi or instead of getall you can do getvar1, gett1, and that sort of stuff.

The older language for emails was

EMAIL 1 (to send email from 1 location) not
EMAIL EM1 (as it is in the newer firmware)

You can try that.

Hello Lou,

I set email alerts on my other device to email me when heat is on and off, The other device has version Version: v03.01.04. It appears that this version, and I assume above, will use the new email commands EMAIL EM1
Anyhow just wanted share this in case someone else comes across this situation.