Clicking noise?


There is a relay that triggers on my M1G that I cannot firure out what is causing it. This system is in my bedroom and I can hear it at night. I can't see anything that is turned on and I have no rules set up currently.

Any thoughts?

I checked and I have the phone line disabled in the globals section as best I can tell. Is there another place to look?
If it's happening once a minute, it could be the same behavior I ran into after a firmware update. The short answer is that I never set an RP access code, which was causing my M1XEP to reboot once a minute, and that reboot also caused a clicking of a relay each time it happened.

If you think there's any chance that this is related, see for details.

If it's happening once a minute, it could be the same behavior I ran into after a firmware update. The short answer is that I never set an RP access code, which was causing my M1XEP to reboot once a minute, and that reboot also caused a clicking of a relay each time it happened.

If you think there's any chance that this is related, see for details.


Thanks, this seemingly is random, and spaced quite a bit of time apart. Actually far enough that I forget about it until it happens again. I wish there was a way to capture events and log them. It doesn't show under the standard event log. This is really annoying for now. hahaha