Difficulty configuring eKeyPad iPhone


Just purchased the M1 version, no problems configuring through my WiFi, entered the M1XEP's IP address, username and password.

What a great looking interface. I love the way I can choose my favorites. I can see a very high WAF here!

I am having difficulty through the cell network though. I have a Host Service with DYNS and entered IP address instead of the the M1XEP's but no luck.

Any suggestions?

Did you follow the remote access setup instructions? Port forward TCP 2601 on your router? To test, from outside your network you can try to telnet to port 2601. If necessary you can download a free telnet app for your phone.
I would NOT open my firewall up directly for my alarm system. Even a simple PPTP tunnel is better than nothing.

Personally, to accomodate phones wtihout having the hassle of maintaining an IPSec server, I setup PPTP on my DD-WRT router and limited it to specific connections. The chances of someone snooping your PPTP connection on a cellular connection is slim to none (for PC access I only use SSH.) However...I still have my router send me an instant text message every time someone connects/disconnects. So if it's not me, I can connect, change the password and kick them off!
The 2601 connection that eKeypad uses is encrypted so you don't have to worry about snooping and requires authentication. You can change the port number in ElkRP to obscure it's function. The only real risk is a DOS of some sort resetting/crashing your M1XEP.

A VPN basically provides two things 1.) Encryption and 2.) Filtering on Source IP. The downsides are overhead causing higher resources utiliziations on the endpoints, bandwidth restrictions, higher transaction latencies, and complexity. Since the traffic is already encrypted and authenticated filtering on source ip is the only thing the VPN is buying you. You could just filter on the source ip using an ACL on your router, which would alleviate the DOS risk. But double encrypting is only going to slow you down and waste resources. So if you do want to try a VPN, I recommend you turn the encryption to its lowest setting or even off.
dkemme - in ElkRP you can double check the secure port number - make sure it's the secure port you're using (default is 2601) and check the setting in eKeypad for Port is Secure. Definitely don't forward the non-secure port!

If your router, you'll need to find where to do port forwarding to forward port 2601 (or whatever port you use) to the correct IP inside your network. Ideally you're using a static IP for the XEP.
You were all correct, I missed the step of forwarding the TCP port 2601 for my M1XEP's IP number!

Works great now and I was right, my wife loves the interface. Great job at eKeyPad!