Elk M1 Gmail problem

Thread resurrection:
(TL/DR:  the M1XEP still works fine with Gmail.  Thanks to you guys for sharing your experiences.)
I just switched from Nextalarm to Alarm Relay in order to get Internet monitoring (turns out to be a good thing since Nextalarm is closing up shop, apparently).,  Alarm Relay does not send email notifications from their end, so I needed to finally get my M1XEP set up to send email alerts (and thus text message alerts via carriers' email-to-text function).  I did end up using the Gmail "app specific password" for this.
M1XEP email settings for Gmail
Server URL/IP Address: smtp.gmail.com
FROM email address:  (my gmail address)
Port: 465
Username: (my gmail address)
Password: the app-specific password
I've created rules to send notifications for arm, disarm (separate identifying emails for different family members), alarm burglar, alarm fire.
If I want to send these alerts to multiple family members, I'm planning on using Gmail's "rules" for forwarding.