ELKRP Rules Help


New Member
Hello, newb here. I have an Elk M1 that has been used only for security purposes for about a year, but I'm slowly trying to build up automation functions of the unit starting with the thermostat. My problem is that when I try to add a rule in ElkRP 1.6.26, I can find no button to submit the new rule. There is only whenever, and, then, edit, copy, paste, delete, and help. How do i submit a new rule? Thanks in advance.
If I understand your question, once you have created your rule (using whenever, and, then) the rule should appear in the window below the rule menu bar and comment window, Then just click DONE below that window. Once you have one or more rules they should appear in the initial rules window that opens when you click on the Rules folder item.
If I understand your question, once you have created your rule (using whenever, and, then) the rule should appear in the window below the rule menu bar and comment window, Then just click DONE below that window. Once you have one or more rules they should appear in the initial rules window that opens when you click on the Rules folder item.

I don't see a DONE, where exactly is it located?
If I understand your question, once you have created your rule (using whenever, and, then) the rule should appear in the window below the rule menu bar and comment window, Then just click DONE below that window. Once you have one or more rules they should appear in the initial rules window that opens when you click on the Rules folder item.

I installed ElkRP2 and that fixed the problem. Clearly, there are bugs in version 1.6.26.