Floor box favorites?


Senior Member
Anyone have a preferred brand of floor boxes for cabling?  Or ones to avoid?
I've got a TV/rack location that's going to have a custom piece of furniture over it, instead of a previously planned built-in.  As such I'd like to arrange the cabling such that the piece could be moved and the floor left with a clean look.  
Realistically there's only going to be about four cables likely to come up out of it.  1 Coax, 2 CAT6, and a couple of audio lines.  Stuff like this came up in my searches:
This picture is interesting, in that it has flexible outlets.  But I'm not sure if it's available in the US:
Do you have a particular vendor or online website you like for their boxes? 
I don't see the same Legrand stuff for international markets on the US website (and vice-versa).  I understand the issues of different sized equipment, of course.  
I've dealt with a range of ways to get stuff in/out of enclosures over the years.  Various flaps, clips, hinged doors, bristles, etc.  Eventually some range of compromises rear their ugly heads.  I'm looking to find ways to set this up to avoid future problems like dust collecting in it.  Sure, there's a variety of ways to 'work around' various things but something like their flexible outlet flap looks to be an interesting solution.  I just don't see it being available on boxes currently listed for the US market.  
I think we bought them from Wesco, but it may have been Graybar or Anixter.   I've never looked for them online.