Premise GUI changes & a ZRTSI shade controller

Motorola Premise


New Member
I've been fiddling around with Premise to control my zwave system, and so far it's been much more stable than the other options I've tried, and I like the overall layout of the builder application. However, there are a couple little things that I'd love to find a way to modify, so if anyone has thoughts on how to approach the changes, I'd appreciate the advice:

MiniBrowser: I would love to make it so that I can alter the state of a light switch from the main screen, instead of having to tap the light, turn it on or off, then tap the home button. Would any of you have thoughts on how to do this? I've been working on swapping out icons and creating a CSS that would modify the theme, but am not sure how to change the button behavior. Any thoughts on where I might start looking for that behavior?

ZRTSI: I have Somfy RTS shades, and am using their ZRTSI z-wave interface, and the shade shows up as a dimmer - it appears to work with the on/off status, but is there any way I could add a "stop" signal?

Thanks in advance for any advice, and if there's anything else I should be aware of, definitely let me know!
Please provide some technical documentation because I don't think anyone here has a ZRTSI. You may also ask your vendor what ZRTSI VRC0P experience they have.

Does Homeseer or the Micasaverde support this stop feature? If yes, there is likely a way to add it.

What may be the best approach is to post your question on and micasaverde's site to find out how feasible implementation of the stop feature is. Please come back and post what you find. I too would like to have motorized blinds in the near future so I'd like to know what you find out..

Some sort of stop feature sounds handy. I'm guessing the on/off button only sends the blinds to pre-programmed positions? The document below states that scenes are supported for the virtual nodes, it may be easier just to use scenes to go to a preset position (if this is possible).

Command Classes Supported by Virtual Nodes (e.g. the shades):
-Basic Device Class: Basic_Type_Slave
-Generic Device Class: Generic_Type_Switch_Multilevel
-Specific Device Class: Specific_Type_Calss_A_Motor_Control

Minibrowser questions:
I would read the following threads:

You can search for replies by 123 in each of the threads so you don't have to read all of the posts. You may want to do this for the entire Premise forum as 123's posts are the very useful.

You could modify minibrowser's structure to do what you want, but this would be time consuming. The easiest approach would be to make a "HomeStatus" like function for the minibrowser using 123's work as a guide (see: sys://Schema/Modules/MiniBrowser/Classes/MiniBrowserRoot/mbRenderStatus)