HAI by Leviton


New Member
I just read a cepro article about HAI being purchased by Leviton. The brand is now HAI by Leviton and it appears that HAI will continue forward as they always have but with massive resources behind them. According to the article, there is a hint that HAI will be launching a zigbee based lighting system with these new found resources. Maybe cocoontech can gain some insight on what the new plans are for the near future and long term. This is a game changer in the marketplace.
Wow - It will be really interesting to see how this affects the Home Automation industry and the technologies that push forward.
I have a big question on this.
Does anyone know if X10 owns Leviton, or Leviton owns X10, or they are related in any way?

This is very important to us because we will not do any business with, or use any product that benefits the X10 company.

If not, then this is great news!
I thought X-10 (the company) went out of business a couple years ago.

Leviton makes products using the X-10 protocol, like HAI, and did so before this acquisition.
X10 is still around but since they finally said their factory in China was closed but said they are trying to have some base modules still made.
They are now pushing things like X10 branded tablets and networked cameras.

Most X10 dealers have a few model modules left and one even has two web pages of discontinued models.

Smartlabs has also slowly been dropping X10 support in their latest Insteon Modules. After adding their I2CS Protocol to them.
Does anyone else see this as a bad thing? I've noticed the HAI support has been... lacking (to be kind) lately and maybe it was related to this. I'm hoping that won't become the norm from here forward.
I don't see it as bad. HAI is going to remain as it's own business unit with the same support systems in place. I think your perception of support is off. I am pretty sure I just read some threads yesterday where HAI chimed in with support. Furthermore, is there a specific issue you are having that hasn't been answered? That would be an actual justifcation for commenting that HAI support is lacking. If not, it's merely hyperbole.
I'll admit that I think their response times to questions are usually a bit slow. I posted a question about the HTX2 here and also to their developer forum on and they never did answer either one. I ended up e-mailing them and got an answer in two days. They definitely pick and choose what they want to answer on the public forums.

While small private companies are nice, the influx of cash that can come with being bought by someone larger is also nice. The fact that Leviton is privately held also helps since they don't have to answer to shareholders about any short-term issues. This could really turn out to be a good marriage and we could see HAI products (and support) really take off.

I'm happy with my HAI stuff, I just wish they'd be a little more involved with the community. Maybe now they can afford to hire someone just to do online support.
lol, pointing out replies from yesterday arent really very indicative of their support, is it?? I've asked for help in their board and others and was lucky to get a reply in the same month! Iguess some are luckier than others and i'll leave it at that.
uh..a company with minimal diy support is bought by a company with almost no diy support and you hope for improvement?

that means neither company has someone in management with a grassroots approach to building their business. I would expect nothing to change for at least 6 to 12 months. Then the changes will just be current systems and synergies packaged under new names. Support could actually worsen due to them combining groups to reduce costs.

but hey, I hope I am wrong!
Actually HAI has come a long way towards helping with the DIY crowd. They have multiple memberships with our forum and participate in discussions and trouble shooting problem with their products!

Years ago, this was not the case. I think its great that they have acknowledged the DIY types and their participation on this forum is evidence of that.

CocoonTech stops at HAI's booth at least once a year during CES or ISC West and they are more than happy to provide info regarding their latest products and other happenings within their company to us.

We all have to remember that the DIY volume is almost negligible in sales when compared to dealers. What they do gain and realize is the DIY offers insight into various uses and possible problems and testing of their products, which will make them better in the end.

The main emphasis of a company such as HAI though, has to go with their bread and butter first (dealer sales), or they just flat out will no longer be in business.
Absolutely true, and reading my post it came off as more negative then I meant it to. I own HAI and am an attempted DIY (well try anyway :D )

To clarify, HAI is absolutely head and shoulders above their past approach with respect to DIY. I was speaking more in terms of HAI vs ...say Elk for example whose DIY approach became a pillar of their business model. As you said, HAI has to focus on the dealers, hence that left minimal resources for DIY. Now throw in being bought by Leviton (and I doubt anyone will argue they are DIY focused) and I have doubts as to there being elevated DIY support in the future.

To me it was a genius move on Levitons part business wise, but they are doing it for those exact same dealer markets. If we get a benefit out of the move I just thinks it will be a secondary effect, not an intentional effect.

With that said..GO HAI!!! :rockon: