Hello all


Hi All.
I have been a member for a while but have not had much time to post.
I live in Australia and work as a buildings automation engineer.
My home setup consists of a Ness (elk) M1 Gold integrated with x-10 for the lighting.
I have "modified" a number of remote controls so I can control my blinds etc.
My AV setup is quite simple. I have 3 Raspberry Pi's running XBMC throughout the house.
My tv recording is done through Mediaportal which attaches to the Mediaportal plugin for XBMC.
I have a Home theatre with Yamaha attached equipment.
I run oracle Virtuabox to host Free PBX and Asterisk.
I enjoy software programming and have tinkered quite a bit with Siri proxy.
I am writing an iPhone app to connect to the Elk M1 which I hope to release soon.
At work I run 38 M1 units controlled by "Elve".
So thats me. Glad to be on board