Haiku help with names in the app vs controller


i am just trying to change the names of both some outputs and zones, i am changing them via PC access, and the changes are taking effect on the controller but are not changing in the Haiku app. i have done similar name changes before but now it seems to not want to work, i have tried turning just the app off and then also the phone, but no luck. the change also take place on the keypads too.

any help?
thanks that worked, but may have worked too well, now it shows "zone 16" which is an unused zone (actually used for thermostats for some reason) and it never showed that before and i have no use for it, anyway to beable not to show that one? I know my original request was because it wasn't showing something and now i want it to not show something, LOL, sorry. any help?
Its because you have a name set for it ("zone 16"). Go into PC Access, remove the name (clear it out), write the settings to the controller then repeat the About->Clear Cache step in Haiku.