Help with old Brink panel - upgrade to cellular monitoring

I am helping my parents to switch to cellular monitoring with different monitoring company.
Currently they have super old Brink panel (approx 18 years old), hard-wired system, monitored by ADT, using POTS.
I plan to add cellular module, and do cellular monitoring with other company that can offer better rate.
The cellular monitoring would be just for monitoring only, no interactive stuff, no home automation.
Would be nice if I can make it dual path (Wi-Fi with cellular backup).
What's the best path I should take (cost-wise and DIY)?
Thanks! :)
Your probably going to have to replace the panel which won't be hard since you probably don't have that many zones.  You could get an inexpensive VISTA panel.  Then either call a local alarm company to get monitoring or do it yourself.  Local companies will come over and install the radio, which they give you for free, but monitoring is about $33/month.  Or you could go with a company like Alarm Relay who will sell you the radio ($180) which you install, and monitoring is under $20/month.  Your choice.
If you upgrade to a VISTA-20P, you could use the GSMX4G (AT&T) or CDMA-X (Verizon) cellular communicator and my company (Alarm Grid) could offer you Basic Monitoring w/Cellular for $25/month with no contract required (
You would need to also replace any sirens (as Brinks panels have a built-in siren driver and therefore your sirens are just speakers) with new self contained sirens and also replace your smoke detectors.

Do you have an existing zone list for the Brinks panel?
Panel replacement may not be necessary.
IF the existing unit communicates via CID, then a dialer capture based unit can be installed in place of the phone connection (RJ31X) and require no programming in the host system as the CS number and phone number are moot to a dialer capture unit and generally don't pass thru on 99% of what's out there in the market. Even dialer test functionality can be captured and moved to the host cellular communicator.