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Automate said:
Anybody know how the Smart Controls get the sunrise and sunset times?  I don't see a way to set latitude/longitude or zipcode so I assume its does some geolocation from gateway/router external IP address. 
Come to think of it, I don't even see where you set your time zone.  Maybe it gets this from your phone when you are setting things up?
I'm not sure where it gets that info but there is a way to set it manually (in the code).  It is just not in the interface that I have seen.  It could be from external IP lookup or from your computer's or phone's local settings.  Either way it seems to be accurate. 
Would be nice if someone can figure out how to get the hub to broadcast status changes over UPNP or persistent TCP connection.
Anyone remember what their gateway firmware was when they first got it?  I was thinking mine was 2.something.  I checked today and its 3.0.39 but I don't notice any differences.
Automate said:
Automate, on 30 Dec 2013 - 21:32, said:
Anyone remember what their gateway firmware was when they first got it? I was thinking mine was 2.something. I checked today and its 3.0.39 but I don't notice any differences.
I'll let you know in a few days. I've ordered the 2 bulb set (and a remote). It was cheaper to order the 2 bulb starter, remote and extra bulb than the 3 bulb & remote starter kit.
Automate said:
Anyone remember what their gateway firmware was when they first got it?  I was thinking mine was 2.something.  I checked today and its 3.0.39 but I don't notice any differences.
Yes mine is 2.0.105, I've blocked it from getting access to the internet.

Also I can't get my remote to do anything. It would have been nice to have instructions :(
az1324 said:
No sorry but just look at the javascript.
You are a cruel task master. I downloaded the code to my system and found it to be 504K js file. I've already given it a try with Wireshark and wget (which I didn't expect to pass on the first try). I have some more work to do.
Here's what I've found out so far. The board has a APM80186-SKC400T cpu, it's a Power PC cpu and appears to run Linux. The board has a 3 point connector (not sure what for), something that looks like a JTAG port (but there are also some missing chips so I bet you can't just plug in and go). There's also an 18 pin port that looks like it's for a flex cable. Not sure of it's purpose. In the past it could be a display but presently the cables are used for anything.

Open ports:

22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.9 (protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open http
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook?
9998/tcp open unknown

So far that's all I've got. More later, I only got it yesterday. I really don't like the interface so far.
Thanks for the info.
I use mine with Android and my biggest gripe is the app will not remember my password.  I have to enter it every time even through I check the box to save it.
Here's what Jeff Siddall  I've found so far:
# The device id (did) is 18 decimal digits long
# on is a 1
# off is a 0
# the %dim is between 1 to 100 (can be set when off and it will turn on to that level).

# For on or off

# For %dim DeviceCmd is the %

echo -n "${cmd} | POST -c 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' http://tcp.uucp/gwr/gop.php

If it worked you'll get back:


If not (not sure it's the only value):

Anyone tried to get into the web page of the gateway recently?  I don't know if they have changed the URL or locked it down but I can't get in.  My Android app still works and I can get to System Info from it and see the firmware is up to 3.0.74 but can't get in with browser.
Ok, found my answer here http://go.tcpi.com/ConnectedSupport
Security is a top priority at TCP and we employ the latest security standards. For this reason the Local user Interface of the Connected by TCP Gateway has been disabled. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We do not anticipate this service to be running in the foreseeable future. Please continue to use your smart phone and/or tablet as the primary control devices of your Connected by TCP system.
They should give the user the option to turn this on/off. So is the app using a cloud proxy or how does it communicate?