HST to sell source code for POS plugins that never worked


Senior Member
Wow what a racket for HST to make yet more money on half baked plugins that never even came close to working in the first place....

Just saying
John, this type of whining requires a LOT more details... :unsure:

What plugins? How much are they charging? Is it better to let them sit 'half baked' than instead, try to get the source code into someone's hands that could complete the plugin to fruition?

Just saying... :nutz:
I speak specifically about their JRMC plugin which many have paid for already. It was never finished and then last year it was abandoned. So lets say someone goes ahead and pays the $100 for the source code and then releases their version. I highly doubt the original serial numbers will work. At least give refunds to the people who paid for a plugin that never worked. Better yet don't charge for code development when the code is alpha level at best and not ready to be used. But then again we are talking about HST. After all I do believe many people whined about HS2 for being charged for code that was full of bugs.
i am definitely not sticking up for them but many times if you charge for something you get more qualified people because those are the only ones who would bother paying for it. so this may work out in your favor down the road (assuming someone purchases it). but yes they may just want the money in this case instead of open sourcing it. who knows.