I2C 1602 LCD display for WC8

Just curious what kind of contents did you display. Do you need any additional PLC commands to help you format display easier?
Our sample code was for this display only on the I2C bus. If there are more than one I2C devices, last PLC command I2CWRITE must have stop bit on, so that it will not confuse other I2C devices.
I am using the display to provide local reading of temperature sensor values. I am only using one display so the stop but is not an issue for me. It took a good few lines of code to parse the temperature values into individual hex codes to display each character of the temperature but it's working good.
If you send us some of those conversion code, we can take a look to see if we can make them simpler by introducing some PLC function. It is up to you, if you think that was done and don't want to bother with it, that is fine with us.