Iphone 7 has no headphone jack

wkearney99 said:
I'll grant that it's not my typical 'everyday' language.  But then I'm not usually conversing with idiots everyday.
Plain speaking has a tendency to annoy those hiding behind their insecurities and ill-considered beliefs.  
Telling it like it is, calling people out on their nonsense, etc, is never comfortable to those that let someone else tell them what to think.
Well, I must have missed the announcement where you were made supreme arbitrator of the internet, technology and all that.  It must be nice to have the one and only opinion that matters, be right in all things, and have the freedom to deride all others without having to offer a shred of evidence.  
What is your title, exactly?  I wouldn't want to offend you given your vast powers.
PS  Hope your house has extra-wide doors to allow your swelled head in and out.
It's interesting that I used to curse a lot when I worked in a gas station and when I drove a truck all day long but then I went back to college and ended up in the corporate world and had to clean up my language. Now I'm retired and back-sliding into the old ways. I like to say what I'm thinking.
Bickering over a disagreement is a waste of time though and life is short. I'm trying to learn to walk away from that sort of thing.
wkearney99 said:
No worries, the vastness precludes being offended by the errors of mere gnats.  
[  ] A. Pompous
[  ] B. Arrogant
[  ] C. Blowhard
[  ] D. Willfully uninformed
[X] E. All of the above
now children...  I think it's come time to put all of our key-strokes and screen-taps to better use.
But it has been entertaining reading this thread.  Much like the US presidential campaign...  Politics brings out the worst in people. ;)
The ad hominem remarks, from experienced posters here, as been really disgusting.

Remember, this forum has poster blocking for those that can't simply civily disagree with others, but many other posters may quote some of their attention seeking posts, and you may see some of their nonsense, anyway.

Use the feature, if you have the balls.