Iphone vidcam app is on the app store now

I think it's a matter of perceived value. For that amount (or even a little more), I would like to see more functionality, like directly controlling my M1G alarm (i know, to specialized/narrow for your market). However, know people who would not complain.

P.S. - I have been delaying my camera purchase (and several other HA devices) for a few years because of the budget constrains, so I really mean it.
ok so think of it this way whatever your perceived value is i would get about 50% less than that in actual revenue after apple and the government take their cuts so if you think you are constrained trying looking through the other side of the glass. like i mentioned earlier there are other cheaper versions on the app store for people who have these constraints. there is something for every budget on the store. as i stated before we are doing quality apps for a quality price. i know it's not for everyone but the sales numbers are not lying and it is doing very well so far. many people seem to be realizing the true value of the app and how cheap it is compared to similar apps that are $99, $500, & $900 respectively.
twilo123, here's a quote I C&P'd from another iPhone app developer's home page. I thought you'd appreciate it. "I’ve realized that I would rather have a small community of delighted customers than a gaggle of customers who don’t value what I’m doing."
i couldn't agree with him more and judging by the response so far i think the app will fall securely in the middle which is fine. i am working with Dan to start doing raffles of this app and others here on cocoontech so people can get some hands on and i can get some feedback/discussion. maybe this will assist for people who believe it is out of their budget also. the funniest part so far really is trying to converse with people in other languages. thank god for google translation although i cringe every time i send a response on there. i send it in english and the translation just in case, lol. i have yet to show someone a video of their camera and not have them purchase it immediately after so i must be doing something right.

i was playing with a rovio today too. just wanted to get the video stream but was able to map some movement controls via swipes and pinches. crude but it was pretty cool.