JMAC Supply


Senior Member
I just had a bad time on the phone with one of their customer service reps and ended up canceling my order after it sat still for three days and I think that the least that I can do in return is to give them some exposure here. The guy gave me the bumb's rush and was talking over me and was just downright rude.
Maybe the guy was just having a bad day, anyone else have any trouble with them recently?
I've placed a couple of online orders with JMAC,and had no trouble. Items were delivered in a few days.  But I didn't deal with them on the phone, so I can't say anything about their attitude towards customers.
I sometimes see JMAC Supply as the cheapest option, when shopping online. I guess they need to cut costs somewhere, to compete, so they get rid of customer service.
I appreciate the heads up.
A couple of months ago I placed an order online and didn't see any follow up on shipping info for a few days so I called customer support to find out what was going on and they were perfectly nice, gave me the status and it shipped out a day later as the rep had said it would.
I've not bought anything directly from them, but have gotten items sold through Amazon.  I don't recall any problems.  
Amazon makes it so painless to get things ordered it's hard to beat.  I do some woodworking stuff and it's been soooo tedious having to wait for Rockler to take a week to get things here.  I'm seriously spoiled, if only because Amazon has a mega-warehouse just up the road in Baltimore.  SAME DAY for stuff is hilariously convenient.  I swear, I've cut down on my driving and other incidental purchases en-route because of Prime delivery.  Best joke I've read recently was the "UPS is the adult version of the ice cream truck".
My dog likes the UPS truck too, our regular driver stops to give her a treat even when he doesn't have a package for us. I think that I maybe just caught my sales rep at a bad time in a bad mood.
I didn't know that amazon warehoused merchandise and just assumed that they drop-shipped everything. They have a large building near here so maybe I should do more shopping with them.
mikefamig said:
I didn't know that amazon warehoused merchandise and just assumed that they drop-shipped everything. They have a large building near here so maybe I should do more shopping with them.
There's a HUMONGOUS one up in Baltimore.  Robotic pickers, laser tracking on conveyor belts, all feeding into their own local delivery trucks.  Lots of stuff still goes out on UPS and the Postal Service.