M1G Remote access options

You are running the "full" version (or Pro as I think they call it)? I do recall that the demo myKeypad did tend to close on its own. I am running both ICS (tablet) and honeycomb (phone) and neither have crashing problems since loading Pro.

i'm running the demo version, and the only reason (well, two reasons) i haven't yet paid for pro are a. the constant crashing/freezing; b. the developer's unresponsiveness.
While I'm glad to hear that your version stopped crashing once you paid, this still makes me a little wary. Mind you, I have nothing against a developer getting paid for his work, and had the app said "you've used up your allowable demo time, please pay", that would be one thing. But for it to simply freeze up doesn't seem like a sign of a very competent developer. And the Android Play Store review boards are filled with flames against the developer. So I'm still holding out for an alternative! Thanks for your guidance, though.
I use the Pro version and it's acceptable and the developer did resolve an issue I was having very quickly.

If you want an Android program talking directly with the Elk, there really is no other choice.

What issues are you having with the freezing? Is it both via cellular connection and WiFi? Is it only over a long period of connection time? Is anything else trying to access the M1 at the same time?

Please try to give as many details as possilbe.
I've been using Mykeypad Pro since it first came out. For the most part, I've had no problems, but I added zwave lights this year, and the app does not operate my dimmers smoothly. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the "M1Touch Pro?" The relatively new android app for the M1G. Any help would be appreciated greatly.
FWIW, I have transitioned to using Tasker along with Autovoice and Autoremote to interface with my CQC system. The coolest is voice control. Double-click on the hard button, say what you want and it happens. High WAF.
I've been using eKeypad Pro on iDevices for well over a year now. I've had no issues, and can only say I've had a better than expected experience with the many app upgrades that have been provided.