Motion sensor on sunroom?


Active Member
I just re did the screen porch at my home. I turned it into a 4 season room with a solid roof and windows on 3 sides. Could I put a motion detector in that room or would there be too many false alarms with sunlight and it picking up animals outside? I'd rather not put window and door contacts out there. The door coming into my house does have a door contact on it.

I just re did the screen porch at my home. I turned it into a 4 season room with a solid roof and windows on 3 sides. Could I put a motion detector in that room or would there be too many false alarms with sunlight and it picking up animals outside? I'd rather not put window and door contacts out there. The door coming into my house does have a door contact on it.


I asked essentially the same question recently. See

I may have some different limitations than you, but there may be some info of use to you in the replies.

I'm still experimenting, and haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. I have been messing with an Optex DX-40 (dual technology detector) in various positions and various settings on the detector. What I did was mount it solid but temporary, then I set it up as a non-alarm zone for now, and set it up to give a voice announcement any time the detector was violated while the panel was not armed.

While I'm home I can hear when there is a violation, then try to figure out what caused it, and adjust accordingly. It's a slow process because I want to go several days without hearing any false alarms. Since I don't have it dialed in yet, I'm leaving it as a non-alarm zone so I don't get false alarms when the panel is armed in away mode.

The DX-40 is not officially listed as a pet-immune detector, but it seems to work fairly well with my dog. Not quite perfect yet though. I may get a couple other detectors that are officially a pet-immune detector, and use the DX-40 elsewhere. Ignoring the pet-immune part, I really like its sensitivity and adjustability, so I have no doubt I'll be able to use it for other zones if necessary.
I have a similiar room but I am going to go ahead and use wireless sensors on all the doors and windows. Besides security I want HA reminders when the windows have been left open.
Thanks, I never saw that previous post. I think I may get a dual tech motion and point it in towards the house. The house is protected, but we will be hanging a TV out there and I don't want that to get stolen. I am even thinking about putting contacts on the TV and the wall mount.