New to Home automation Hi all


New Member
Hi everyone
I guess this would be the place to start.
I want like everyone else to start to automate my home.
I would like to control the lights, heating, and cooling via my galaxy phone and pad.
I have 3 dual core dell servers that came out of a company that my friend upgraded and they work great.
I am looking at open source automation software, has anyone used or are using this?
If so is it a good start to build on.
I ask as maybe late I would get into a software like homeseer but dont want to pay $400-500 for a 30 day trial.
I am quiet good with computers and can always finally work it out so learning the software wouldnt be a problem, ill read read and read some more.
I am asking really is anyone using this software and would you recomend it to stat with and add to in the future?
Welcome to the Cocoontech forum Mick.  You have come to the right place. 
There are owners / vendors / users of purchased  and open source automation software here.
Have a look see.  Ask your questions. 
You will get the whole gamut of answers relating to your questions from users, vendors, authors of said automation software.
BTW relating to Homeseer; the trial is free.  (much like other software you will see mentioned here).