Premise Newbie issues

Motorola Premise
... Can I write an on property change code that takes any received IR command on the IRE and spit it out to all emitters? ...

Yes. The IR Remote Module lets you receive IR commands and execute whatever scripting you desire. You can use any supported IR receiver.

One thing to keep in mind:
Most of the time, Premise does a good job of insulating the programming logic from a device's technology. The driver is responsible for handling the technology aspect. For example, a property change script for a Light will work regardless if its bound to the X10, UPB, or Insteon driver. The same holds true for a property change script for a TV, Receiver, PVR, etc. The script is independent of the device.

This is not true for the IR Remote module; it receives 'raw IR commands' directly from the IR receiver. The structure of a received IR command varies from one IR receiving device to another. A USB-UIRT and a Home Electronics IRA-3 present received IR commands as encoded strings but they are not identical (and definitely not Pronto format). Whatever IR codes you use for triggering, in the IR Remote module, they will be unique to the GC-IRL. If you switch to another IR receiver, like a USB-UIRT, you'll need to re-learn the IR codes and update your script.