Noob Question


New Member
My environment is as follows: Amazon Echo, 8 FireTv's (all with Kodi) SmartThings ( a couple of Z-Wave switches, with more to come), and RTI multiroom/multizone audio (that I can also control my tvs with). I am here because I was interested in voice automating everything. There does not seem to be any Echo/RTI integration, so I was googling and came across Premise. In the video it was controlling KODI, lights, tv etc. I have installed Premise on a PC and configured it to my home, but I am unsure of the next step. How do I get premise to discover the switch so I can bind it in premise? How do I bind a tv or receiver to premise? (I believe that the RTI system uses RF and R232 to connect) I am trying baby steps and have not tried following the videos beyond this step as if I cant get this step all others really don't matter. Any assistance would be great. Thank you. 