OmniLinkBridge to integrate Home Assistant, SmartThings, Node-RED

The OmniLinkBridge Web API for Samsung SmartThings has always been on port 8000. In the OmniLinkBridge.ini you can disable the webapi or change the port depending on if you use the SmartThings integration or not.
Cool -- edited the .ini file to disable the webapi entry. Not sure why the problem cropped up in the first place, but it's fixed now: Portainer is back up and running.
rsw686 said:
The OmniLinkBridge Web API for Samsung SmartThings has always been on port 8000. In the OmniLinkBridge.ini you can disable the webapi or change the port depending on if you use the SmartThings integration or not.
FYI I rolled back to 1.1.4 yesterday while troubleshooting. I also put my OmniLinkBridge.ini back to the way it was before:

# Web Service (yes/no)
# Can be used for integration with Samsung SmartThings
webapi_enabled = yes
webapi_port = 8000
# device_type must be contact, motion, water, smoke, or co
#webapi_override_zone = id=20;device_type=motion

I know it must sound like I'm hallucinating, but Portainer is running successfully this morning with this setup. So it seems that there may be something different about the webapi in 1.1.5 that causes problems related to ports 8000 and 9000.
grantlewis said:
FYI I rolled back to 1.1.4 yesterday while troubleshooting. I also put my OmniLinkBridge.ini back to the way it was before:

# Web Service (yes/no)
# Can be used for integration with Samsung SmartThings
webapi_enabled = yes
webapi_port = 8000
# device_type must be contact, motion, water, smoke, or co
#webapi_override_zone = id=20;device_type=motion

I know it must sound like I'm hallucinating, but Portainer is running successfully this morning with this setup. So it seems that there may be something different about the webapi in 1.1.5 that causes problems related to ports 8000 and 9000.
Could it be the order of startup? Two programs defiantly can't share the same port. If OmniLinkBridge is started after the web API will just fail to initialize and the rest of the program will continue to function. If you aren't using the SmartThings integration you wouldn't notice. You could check the error log as it should show it couldn't bind to the port.
Could someone help me get OLB going? I had HA/Mosquitto/OLB running on a RPI-3B for over a years but lost it (SD fail). This was the third fail but this time the image I had did not write correctly. Anyway I am trying to get everything going again on an RPI-4B 4GB board.
I have HA/Portainer running in docker now for a week. HA is 104.0. I have OLB 1.1.4 in a docker container with the OmniLinkBridge.ini file at /opt/omnilinkbridge/...
I used this from page 21 to get the image and create the container:

docker run -d --name="omnilink-bridge" -v /opt/omnilink-bridge:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host --restart always excaliburpartners/omnilink-bridge:1.1.4

The container starts ok but throws only this error and nothing else in the log:

standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"

standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"

standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"
What did it do wrong?
sawadee2 said:
Could someone help me get OLB going? I had HA/Mosquitto/OLB running on a RPI-3B for over a years but lost it (SD fail). This was the third fail but this time the image I had did not write correctly. Anyway I am trying to get everything going again on an RPI-4B 4GB board.
I have HA/Portainer running in docker now for a week. HA is 104.0. I have OLB 1.1.4 in a docker container with the OmniLinkBridge.ini file at /opt/omnilinkbridge/...
I used this from page 21 to get the image and create the container:

docker run -d --name="omnilink-bridge" -v /opt/omnilink-bridge:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host --restart always excaliburpartners/omnilink-bridge:1.1.4

The container starts ok but throws only this error and nothing else in the log:

standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"

standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"

standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"
What did it do wrong?
The prebuilt docker images are for amd64 architecture and won't run on a raspberry pi with arm processor. I'm currently working on a add-on for OmniLinkBridge. The other option is to install mono and download the binary release.
For those running Home Assistant as a install you can install OmniLink Bridge by adding the following add-on repository. Currently only the controller_, time_, webapi_, and mqtt_ settings are built out in the add-on configuration tool. I'm planning to add the verbose_, mysql_, mail_, prowl_, and pushover_ settings in the next release.
Thank you for the quick reply.
I forgot to mention I installed Hassbian as I didn’t know there was a HASS-IO install for OLB.
I know hassbian is being deprecated now.
Will this package run in Hassbian on Docker. If not, I guess I start over.
sawadee2 said:
Thank you for the quick reply.
I forgot to mention I installed Hassbian as I didn’t know there was a HASS-IO install for OLB.
I know hassbian is being deprecated now.
Will this package run in Hassbian on Docker. If not, I guess I start over.
Looking at the docker mono image it supports arm processors. You should be able to just follow the Docker for Developers section on the OmniLink Bridge GitHub and build your own docker image on the raspberry pi.
Here installed (not currently using) HA / OmniLinkBridge / Docker / Homeseer 3 / Node Red on a Amlogic S912 Octa-core CPU / 3Gb RAM using Armbian.

These are currently sold for ~ $52 USD new on Ebay and come with a Gb NIC, WlAN and bluetooth and power supply with Android built in. (you can keep Android on the box and just boot from a micro SD card.

Device runs circles around any current available RPi.
TX9_HS3Lite:~# uname -a
Linux TX9_HS3Lite 5.1.0-rc1-aml-s912 #5.78 SMP PREEMPT Fri Apr 12 11:16:06 MSK 2019 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

X9_HS3Lite:~# lsb_release -a
Distributor ID:    Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
Release:    18.04
Codename:    bionic
TX9_HS3Lite:~# docker -v
Docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea

Thank you Pete_c. As a Kodi user I have an S912 but will wait for a bit to try HA on it. Just trying a new (1st) install of hass-io.
Have it up and running with MQTT and it is picking up my tasmota devices. Will try OMB install next.
Thanks again and will look to purchasing another S912 for a faster platform. The RPI 4 is better than the 3B but I taxed it like the 3B with my combination of devices. I have 12 power monitoring devices (tasmota) with graphs and that seems to be a load..
Well have Hass-io up with OmniLinkBridge. Nice to see all the OmniPro entities back on the screen. Really want to thank you RSW686 for all your work on this addon. It makes Home-Assistant a much more useful tool for me with the OmniPro connected.
Also, thanks Pete C for you suggestion of using a S912 device. I am using 16GB on for Kodi now but new 3/32GB one ordered and being delivered Thursday.
The RPI-4B just is totally overloaded in my setup.  If the S912 device doesn't work out I guess the next thing is to get an Intel i5 or so NUC device.
Again thanks to you both as it is nice to have HA up and running again after a 5 month hiatus.
Here using 2 S912's with CoreElec and 4K playback.  1 S912 is running Armbian Ubuntu which originally was a combo HA / OmniLinkBridge and Homeseer server.
Will probably repurpose the 3rd S912 as a KODI box soon. These have 64/128Gb SD cards for use.  Average price of the S912 purchased was around $65 USD.
In a recap here started with the RPi, then the Pine64 2Gb computer and final ARM testing computer was the S912 TV Box for the HA/HS combo box.
Switched HA/HS combo box over to an Intel Beelink BT3 Pro for the combo HA / Homeseer server.  I am also running an Oracle 7E Virtual box on this computer for use with MS SAPI.  I got the Beelink BT3 Pro on special for $65.  Average price today is around $100 or so.
Tested the Beelink BT3  box with KODI and couldn't do 4k video playback with it.

With the Beelink BT3 Pro wiped out W10 on the 64Gb eMMC and made the entire partition Linux.
rsw686 said:
For those running Home Assistant as a install you can install OmniLink Bridge by adding the following add-on repository. Currently only the controller_, time_, webapi_, and mqtt_ settings are built out in the add-on configuration tool. I'm planning to add the verbose_, mysql_, mail_, prowl_, and pushover_ settings in the next release.
This is great @rsw686 !

Pretty green with this HA stuff.
I have a new RPi 4 running HassOS on it (because it's super easy and I am a Noob and need to start somewhere - lol). 
I specifically decided on HA due to your development of the HAI support for it. I have an OmniPRO II and Russound for Audio/Video
I'm currently just adding some Z-Wave and soon Node-RED (just using simple UI Automations) and some Lutron Caseta Switches.
I want to dial some of that stuff in for a couple weeks before diving into the HAI Omni Stuff.
I did not read this entire thread and it seems it is mostly geared to installing and early development (plus over my head atm).
1 - Do you know if your Add-on works on HassOS (the packaged with their OS)?
I read it needing some requirements and I also read that some add-ons might ot work on HassOS version.
As you mention Requirements which I am not sure I have and/or can add to my HassOS install:
".NET Framework 4.5.2 (or Mono equivalent)"
2 - Seems like you still have to add somethings to this Add-On. I'd like to support the advancement if I can. I'm currently not experienced enough to offer any programming or scripting or even debugging help (yet).
BUT I can certainly buy you some beers/coffees along the way to keep up the morel and motivation!
Please PM me here or as "gette" on the Home Assistant forums.
Thank you for your hard work in making this happen sir!