Ooma Telo 2 VOIP Adapter for $99 AR at Frys

LarrylLix said:
I turn the Ooma answering feature off by setting to 59? rings. Ooma refuses to add a beeper to the machine and my Telo is hidden. I can't pick up a handset and look for messages every time I re-enter the house, I can interrogate my Vtech machine remotely anyway.
Is there a reason you don't use email notification? I rarely get my messages via the box, but instead just listen from the website either from a computer or cell phone. It's good too because if you ever need to you can download a message and archive it.
Is there a reason you don't use email notification? I rarely get my messages via the box, but instead just listen from the website either from a computer or cell phone. It's good too because if you ever need to you can download a message and archive it.

Email only happens in the Premier service and that costs 350%  of the Basic costs. I had it included  for the introductory two months but decided to give it a go without it for the first year  to see if I can live without the extra features. I just got to the point last year I was sick of paying out over $400 / month for communication/ entertainment services. I took some drastic measures and ended up with better services.
Ooma is better and worse than a landline in certain ways but the Premier service was a few bucks that I decided against. After about a year I am just breaking even on the costs against my copper landline even at the $3.98 per month. I may reconsider this year.
Let's try this damn forum edit one more time. If I hit the del key it deletes the whole paragraph. GRRRRRRRRR...
The only people that ever call my Ooma phone is my next door neighbours. You know the retirees without a cell phone? Most other people I know never call,,, they BBM and some of the left behind ones even use the old fashioned text messaging.
LarrylLix said:
Is there a reason you don't use email notification? I rarely get my messages via the box, but instead just listen from the website either from a computer or cell phone. It's good too because if you ever need to you can download a message and archive it.

Email only happens in the Premier service and that costs 350%  of the Basic costs. 
Interesting.... I'm on the completely free plan (not even service fees) and I have email notification. Perhaps it was a carry-over with my account from so many years ago??? I don't even remember how many years it's been.
Canadian Dealer does it too!
$99 at Staples online for Ooma Telo.
OOma is great. I had Vonage for many years, but finally got sick of the fact that they had no means to block a phone number.  OOma Premier is cheaper, and has lots more features.