Parking a Domain Name


Does anyone have any experience (positive or negative) in 'parking' a domain name, especially with Go Daddy?

I'm in a position where I am no longer supporting my HOA's domain, and the name is pretty popular with Google search and I'm thinking of parking it and see if it makes a little cash.

The only problem is, you have to give Go Daddy your SS number as they have to report the income?? This makes me slightly uncomfortable as I don't want that plastered on Danika's race car some day in the future. :p
I would say that any place that is legit is going to ask you for that since they must report your income.

how much you can make I cant really tell you, I would guess though that if you remove the content and change it to a basic parked domain type page the ranking will drop like crazy.
I would say that any place that is legit is going to ask you for that since they must report your income.

how much you can make I cant really tell you, I would guess though that if you remove the content and change it to a basic parked domain type page the ranking will drop like crazy.

i have done it before with godaddy. you dont have a choice about your ssn. its a tax thing.
With GoDaddy, you provide some keywords and they use those keywords to determine the content (links) that are displayed on your site (similar to how Google determines what do display for their Ads). You have some options like selecting the site design from templates based upon the content theme of your site and you can also choose to disallow adult content. Aside from that, there's very little customization. I haven't used other domain parking services, so I cannot comment if this is a common trend, but my parked site was bare compared to a lot of other parked domains I've stumbled across.
I suspect that the providing a SS# issue is going to get worse in the coming year due to the new reporting requirements that were sneaked into the health care bill that was passed in 2010. Businesses are going to have to send out 1099's on anyone paid over certain amounts. I don't think all of the details are clear yet.

This is probably going to have a major impact on people who sell on eBay and get money via PayPal, who will now start having that income reported to the IRS.

I'm not suggesting for a minute that anyone should not pay their appropriate taxes, it's just that a bunch of new procedures are going to come running at us, including providing a SS# where we haven't had to previously. That certainly expands the potential for criminal identity theft.