Pre-Wire - Where would I mount a garage door contact/sensor?


Active Member
I'm pre-wiring my house and I'm just about to run wire to my garage doors.  My builder is putting in Lift Master openers with the MyQ series gateway (allows you to see if your doors are open as well as close/open them remotely).  I've read that it's a real PITA to get these smart door openers to work with my ELk M1 alarm panel (or any alarm panel) so at this point I only want to install a garage door contact so that my alarm panel knows if the doors are open/closed and I'll use the MyQ system to remote open/close them as needed.
  1. Do I run the wire to the top, middle (along the side), or bottom (along the side) of a garage door?  Something tells me I should run wire to the garage door header area so that I can mount a contact/sensor on the top (so that my kids/wife/me don't mess up the contact/sensor).
  2. Which garage door contact/sensor should I purchase?
Here I have two Lift Master garage doors which were installed when home was built.  I have had no issues with the GDO's since installation.
I am using a Leviton OPII panel which is very similiar to your Elk panel.
I know when my garage door is open or closed instantly from wherever and whenever.
I am curious what the additonal add of the MyQ series gateway was for?
Here is the one I have:

I have it mounted about 3' above the floor. I didn't choose 3' specifically - I wanted it somewhat toward the bottom, it was at a decent working height for mounting, and I lined it up where I had the best mounting option for the magnet on the door.
ccmichaelson said:
I've read that it's a real PITA to get these smart door openers to work with my ELk M1 alarm panel (or any alarm panel)...
I have had no issue controlling multiple liftmaster 8500 garage door openers with my OmniProII. Simple 1 second relay contact closure (in parallel with the wall control) will open/close the door. One opener was manufactured in 2013 and one was manufactured in 2015.
You would need to determine what style you're planning to install, but for a standard roll up OHD, top works best in my experience. If you're using track mount, that is a different beast.
Mounting down low, while allowable and commonplace in the industry, especially with commercial OHD's and their height, even though the units are rated to be driven over, doesn't mean it's the best idea if it can be avoided.
Specifically, in the case of the contact, while they are sealed, potted and set in an aluminum housing, they are typically subject to corrosion and harsh chemicals, especially in the snow belt areas. The next weak link is going to be the armored cabling. That always ends up getting crushed, broken, unraveled or physically damaged, which leaves the cabling exposed some way or shape. Third is, no matter how careful you mount the contact/magnet, you're putting it in an area subject to be hit, kicked, driven over, etc. which is always going to affect the alignment.
Commercial application and cable paths are one thing, and sometimes there's no way to avoid the specific installation location, but in a wide open prewire or residential, it's entirely avoidable.
20 years of doing this and servicing them. Not my first rodeo.
I used the Tane 96bi and mounted them high as suggested by others.   I put two sensors on each door.   One for fully open and one for fully closed.   That gives you the ability to monitor three states:  open, closed, and broken.    
I clamped these sensors on the garage doors and wire tied the cable to the rail.   Very clean installation and it is up and out of the way.