Premise Running Premise in a Virtual Machine

Motorola Premise


chucklyons said:
chucklyons says: Charlie...don't know much about the SECU16s (actually, I know NOTHING about those), but please elaborate more on the VM side of things. Platform and whys would be great. I was thinking of doing that myself, but if there are some lessons learned, that would be a great help...
My one physical home server machine is a (now ancient) monster rack mount box with 16 HDD drive bays. It has a quad Xenon CPU and 8GB of RAM.
It runs Windows Server 2008 R2. I use the built in Hyper-V to host several virtual machines. One is an instance of Windows Server 2008 R2 with 1 CPU and 1GB of RAM allocated. I've given it 100GB of disk space. 
This VM runs nothing but Premise. 1GB of RAM and 1 2.0GHz CPU is plenty.
I moved all my control interfaces to be Ethernet based (via a combination of Lantronix UDS-10s, MSS-100s, and an MSS-4). 
It works totally awesome.

Hope this helps.
You know.... I was getting into Premise and had it running in a VM. My problem was that every time I connected to my M1 from RP Premise would loose it's connection and not reconnect until I connected over to Premise and forced a reconnect. I was always meaning to look into that, but ended up picking up a refurb Vera for very cheap and started using that instead. I never did find out how to make it automatically reconnect???
Just modify the Elk module to reset the port on a communication failure.
Make an OnChangeCommunicationFailure script under sys://Schema/Modules/ELK/Classes/M1_Panel like this:

' if the port was not reset in the last 50 seconds, reset it
if sysevent.newVal then
if DateDiff("s", this.LastReset, now) > 50 then
set oPort = this.Network
set this.Network = nothing
set this.Network = oPort
this.ResetCount = this.ResetCount + 1
this.LastReset = now
set oPort = nothing
end if
end if

Or just reset the port each time you use RP.  Obviously, you'll want to experiment with things.  I think I had your problem until I updated the firmware of the Elk's network module.
video321 said:
You know.... I was getting into Premise and had it running in a VM. My problem was that every time I connected to my M1 from RP Premise would loose it's connection and not reconnect until I connected over to Premise and forced a reconnect. I was always meaning to look into that, but ended up picking up a refurb Vera for very cheap and started using that instead. I never did find out how to make it automatically reconnect???