Say Message not working properl


Active Member
I've got a doorbell zone that has automation associated with it to say a message when it is tripped.  It is normally closed, with a status of SECURE.  My automation code from PC Access is simple:
   THEN SAY Visitor At Front Door
The message is never said. It used to work, but stopped somewhere in the last year or so.  Every now and then I try to fix it :).  
Here's what I've tried:
- I've confirmed that if i physically disconnect one of the wires to the zone, the message is said
- I've confirmed that if i press the doorbell, the NOT READY status is set
      - I can see the status change in PC Access
      - I can log a message when the zone is NOT READY. The message is logged, but the message is not announced
- I can have a different zone event cause a message to be announced. For example, I can have the message said when I trip a motion detector in the pantry, which is set up as an Auxiliary zone as well.
- I've tested the voltage drop when the doorbell is pressed and when the zone is tripped.
- I've moved the zone to different areas on the panel, and to an extension panel
I just don't get it.  The zone is tripped, the automation code in the block is run, other things are done, but the zone message is never said. 
Any ideas?
I wrote some code using the SDK to announce the message when the zone was tripped.  I figured i would bypass the automation completely.
The message still wasn't announced.  I debugged my way through the code and saw that it was running as expected.  I also found though was that if the phone was off the hook (the doorbell causes the phone to ring throughout the house), the message wasn't announced!  If i took long enough to debug where the phone was hung up again, the message was announced.
I guess the message is being sent to the phone line somehow, which is why i don't get it over the whole house audio system??  
I disabled phone control/access in PC Access and my onboard automation now works.  
I have issues with my phone control of the panel. I cannot call the house, the house wont dial out, etc. so it must be related.
maybe this info will help someone along the way!
CDias said:
 if the phone was off the hook (the doorbell causes the phone to ring throughout the house), the message wasn't announced!  If i took long enough to debug where the phone was hung up again, the message was announced.
Sounds like there may be a mute option somewhere which suppresses the audio when the phone is off the hook. Which audio system are you using?