Signal HAI Camera Server to record video on alarm detect from OmniPro II


New Member
I have an HAI Camera Server and OmniPro II in my home automation configuration, but I haven't figured out how to do something yet. Ideally when an alarm condition is detected, I want the OmniPro II controller to send a command to the HAI Camera Server to record video from specific cameras which monitor the compromised zone(s).

I know the HAI Camera Server has its own configuration for detecting if/when recording should be done, but frankly the OmniPro II is a better system for detecting alarm conditions so I would prefer to use it for this purpose. I believe I've defined the IP cameras in the OmniPro II configuration via the PC Access software, but have not been able to locate where to program the record function to the HAI Camera Server. I've looked around in the Automation section and see the "Show Camera" Action but I don't believe this will do what I'm looking for.

Assuming what I'm trying to do makes sense, does anyone know if this can be done and if so how to do this?
