Haiku Space Questions/Troubleshooting/etc

I agree 100% that the icons and lack of info make Space completely unuseable for me. All that was needed was a better graphical UI to Haiku. Imitating ios8 was a huge mistake imo. Especially with apple's every 2 month upgrade cycle, ios9 will be different and space will look outdated. All that was needed was an update of Haiku with graphics like a crestron tablet. Thats it!
Anthony A. said:
I agree 100% that the icons and lack of info make Space completely unuseable for me. All that was needed was a better graphical UI to Haiku. Imitating ios8 was a huge mistake imo. Especially with apple's every 2 month upgrade cycle, ios9 will be different and space will look outdated. All that was needed was an update of Haiku with graphics like a crestron tablet. Thats it!
Changing icons is not an issue and we are considering that, along with other tweaks. What was outdated was the underpinnings not the graphics, this is where most of the changes are in Space and they make Space much superior. We can tweak the UI with ease.
vschalin said:
I am trying to figure out how to use Space for security purposes.
Haiku had my home separated into the following:
Entry/Exit - A list of all the entry and exit door sensors in the home - 14 items
Perimeter - A list of all the  windows sensors in the home - 20 items
Interior - A list of all the motion detectors in the home - 31 items
Auxiliary - A list of other related items (e.g. smoke detectors, interior doors, motion sensors for outdoor security lights) - 35 items
These look to all be jumbled in one long list in Space making it unusable.
I would like to be able to identify that all the Entry/Exit and Perimeter items are secure and arm the system. How do I accomplish this in Space?

At other times I would like the Entry/Exit and Perimeter and some of the Interior motion sensors to be secure to arm the system. How do I accomplish this in Space?
One other major issue. I live with my elderly in-laws who must use the system. They cannot figure out what is what in Space. There are no identifiers to help them navigate the system. They do not understand the icons. They cannot figure out where to go in the interface to do what they want to do. They don't understand that some icons are not even visible on the home screen and that they need to swipe to search for them. It is complicated by the fact that they cannot understand what is being presented on any of the screens. They need words to help them navigate the interface.
Arming and disarming the security system needs to be really simple for them to be able to use it.
The ability to control lighting needs must be really simple for them to be able to use it.
They are very confused by Space and cannot use it.
I appreciate the help, both for myself and for my in-laws.
We are aware of these things and are working on it.
I think just moving all the icons to one page with a description is the way to go


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I'm definitely extremely disappointed with Space. I've developed for, installed, and maintained HAI systems for about 8 years now. I write and manage software for a living, so I tend to be critical. I've worked in everything from IT, to QA, to product management, to engineering. #1 issue I have with complete rewrites of applications, are that the new version should come with the vast majority of features that the old version has. Releasing a product that is a step backwards usually ends up with upset customers and lost revenues. Knowing how much I love Haiku, I am undoubtedly hopeful.
I like the look of the new interface, but it's overly simplified. Lack of a favorites and status screens is just... weird. That's got to be THE best thing about Haiku. 
I don't believe Space Automation is set up for people who don't use it often. It can create a lot of hunting, for some. Nobody else in my family wants to have to dig around to figure out how to turn on the kitchen lights. For organization, we're forced to use the extended setup values of the HAI system in order to be able to see a list of rooms/units that isn't a flat list. Not utilizing the already existing rooms/units setup from the HAI system, as in Haiku, is also strange. Especially considering that the units page has no visual difference between a room and a unit/light. Haiku is awesome how you open a room and see the lights in that room and select a scene, all in one spot. In Haiku, to set a scene, it's one tap. In Space, it's 2 taps. Assuming that EVERYONE has a controller which supports extended setup data, is short-sighted. While I have a controller running the latest firmware, I have people whose systems I installed and configured, which are many years old, and they still have non-writable chips, and therefore can't use extended setup data. This means they would be forced into using the flat layout of Space. But I've told them that Space is awful, so they won't be purchasing it anyway.
On iPhone, I don't know why you have to swipe left/right between 4 icons. There's 7 icons. They will all fit on one screen.
Thank you for more time options on the timers for things like outputs! Being limited to 60 minutes in Haiku was often a problem. This is, so far, the only improvement I've found over Haiku.
My 2 biggest complaints are lack of an overview screen, like haiku, and a lack of favorites screen, like haiku. I should be able to see, at a glance, what windows/doors/etc are insecure, what the status is of the different areas, the weather, and other general information, like haiku has. Why these critical features were left out of Space, confuses the hell out of me. This is alpha quality software, and is nowhere near release ready. It's not even feature complete.
I sincerely hope the app improves, but I'm not holding my breath. At this point I feel like I pissed away $30.
Well that pretty much sums it up for me!

The spaceship "Automation" fizzled on the launchpad. It must be redesigned, we were asked what we wanted, 30+ pages, the list was not fulfilled. I am now selling it as an $50.00 add on to Haiku that runs in the background, with limited functionality (iButtons).
I am a longtime HAI 5 star dealer, and in good conscience I see no reason to recommend Space Automation over Haiku.

Haiku was/is the king, the king is dead.
Long live the king.
I don't like to be negative, but I agree with everyone else.  When I first installed Space I loved the new look compared to Haiku, which looked horrible not supporting native resolution on the iPhone 6.  However, that love was very short lived and turned into aggravation once I actually started using it.  The interface is just not intuitive, at all.  The way "Control" worked in Haiku was far superior.  By tapping that option I got a clean list of all my rooms and could quickly tell if things were on.  In Space the "Rooms" option gives no information and I have to browse into every single room just to look for the status of things.  My only option to look for device status is to go into Unit and scroll through a completely unorganized list.  Really?  Not to mention that the scrolling in Space really sucks.  It's not fluid and insists on trying to do hard stops all the time.  Why would it act different than everything else on the iOS platform?  It sounds like such a little thing, but it gets quite frustrating.  Every time I go into Space, I get irritated and feel like I wasted money, so I go into Haiku.  Then when I go into Haiku I get frustrated on how poor it looks on the newer devices and get even more frustrated feeling like I wasted my money.  I think it is pretty safe to say that Space has definitely not been well received by the masses.  Also, any update on the HaikuHelper replacement?  That results in major lost functionality for those, like myself, who used it extensively.
With all that said, I still think Space has promise and I am really hopeful that you guys are indeed working to improve all these shortcomings and poor design decisions.  As others have asked, is there are ETA on when we are going to see the next version(s)?  
We're working on these things, I don't have an exact timeline yet as we are still planning certain things. As far as making Rooms show status for all items within, that's just as doable as it was in Control in Haiku. The cost though is long connect time. We're planning on adding this feature, as an option.
I don't understand. Room Status very fast in Haiku. But to implement in Space "...the cost is (will be) a long connect time?" One would expect that Space should be at least as efficient as (or better than) Haiku.
avpman2 said:
I don't understand. Room Status very fast in Haiku. But to implement in Space "...the cost is (will be) a long connect time?" One would expect that Space should be at least as efficient as (or better than) Haiku.
Space is about twice as quick currently. The initial connect time is slowed by having to update all of the units on connect.
lupinglade said:
Space is about twice as quick currently. The initial connect time is slowed by having to update all of the units on connect.
The "Quick Connect" and "Full State Refresh" options in Haiku allowed you to get around that though, didn't they?
There is a problem / difference in SPACE in how the Geographical Region is handled.
In SPACE when the APP opens (after previously crashing or force close) the geofence action fires even when you are already home. 
So for example, lets say I have a rule in the controller that sends my wife a text message when I arrive HOME (Flag in the controller gets set to true when I arrive). 
Now in SPACE if I am already HOME, and SPACE crashes or is forced close (or perhaps closes due to memory management issues in the phone) - when SPACE opens SPACE sets the FLAG to true and triggers the event again as if I am arriving home. This can happen several times a day without me crossing into the Geo Region.
This problem did not happen with HAUKI.
Hopefully it can be addressed in SPACE.
lupinglade said:
This will be fixed in the next update.
Any idea when this issue will be fixed?