UPB status from ELK


Hi Guys,

Im trying to do Telnet to Elk, to issue commands.
Im trying to get UPB devices status.
I tried to issue ps0 to ps3 commands, but im getting all devices OFF.
What im doing wrong?

Or do i need to use 'pc' command?
Unless something has changed, to get the status of a lighting device, you use the ds command, which will respond with a DS string. Make sure you calculate the CRC/checksum as well.
Thanks Dan,
I will try tonight DS command, but then question is how to turn on/off/dim? Is it PS command? Is UPB is PLC device?
Take a look at my.Elk, wrote it in VBScript years ago, but it's pretty easy to follow (look for plc_raw).


I also recommend you download the M1 SDK, which contains all ASCII commands.
More trouble,
im able to turn on/off UPB controlled light using [pf]/[pn] PLC command,
but unable to figure out dim command. I tried [pc] command without luck.
I tried different Function Codes and none of them working. Any idea what im doing wrong?
Also Toggle command [pt] no luck, but its not that important. Is UPB compatible with PLC commands?
Do i need to use Intseon command instead?

Thanks for help.