Using rF Remote control to control Insteon?


Active Member

I am having a blast playing with my MX-850/MFX-350 & Denon 890 reciever. It got me thinking that it would be great to have a lighting page on my remote to control the house lights.

Is there a way to do that?

The 890 does not have a serial port.

I am having a blast playing with my MX-850/MFX-350 & Denon 890 reciever. It got me thinking that it would be great to have a lighting page on my remote to control the house lights.

Is there a way to do that?

I have a universal remote RF-20 which looks very similar. It has built-in X-10 commands, which I use to trigger insteon commands and scenes from the ISY-99. I have created a lighting page on the remote, and created macros to run the necessary keystrokes to make it all work. I am guessing that yours also has X-10 as a supported device.

If you don't have an ISY-99, you could give the insteon devices an X-10 address and control them directly from the remote. If yours is like mine, the X-10 capability is all IR-based, so I use the base reciever with IR buds to feed the signal into an IR543 reciever, which sends the X-10 signals throught the powerlines.

I understand that smarthome has an insteon-based IR reciever, which could also be used. I have no direct experience with this, so you should check it out for yourself.
I have a harmony 890 which is rf to the main unit which repeats as ir. I have the isy 99ir which receives the ir output from the harmony 890. From there I downloaded the ir commands from logitech website into my harmony for the isy. Then I wrote programs on the isy for the downloaded commands and matched that up to my configuration on the harmony.

In short, my harmony sends rf commands to its base which translates that to an ir command that shines on the isy which triggers a program that sends insteon commands through my power lines which tells my insteon devices what to do. Shockingly, it works almost every time with almost no delay.
Actually I do have the IR version - yippie for me.

I have not actually used the ISY-99's IR capability (it sounds like Lou Apo is better positioned to help here). I understand you teach it to understand IR signals, then program it to respond to those signals. If your ISY-99 is in the same room in which you want to control the theater system, then you may not need any additional hardware. Program the ISY (instructions on the wiki), then point the remote at the ISY when you wish to control the lights.

If your ISY is in a different room you must find a way to get signals to it. You can put the RF base station next to it and use the IR bud to input to the ISY. Or you can get one of the previously mentioned X-10 or insteon IR recievers and send signals to the ISY through the powerline (this is the method I use).

I was unable to determine if your MX-850 includes X-10 devices pre-programmed. If not, you may be limited to the insteon IR reciever or direct IR commands into the ISY.
My issue seems to be how to get the IR codes into the Remote as Universal Devices is not an option in the database. I believe I can teach the ISY IR commands but when I tried a spare remote sitting around (zennith), the ISY seemed to recognize the IR commands, but it thought that any button on the device was teh same IR code. Vol +. Vol -, chan +, chan -, 1,2,3,4,5, etc were all the same IR code.

I would have thought each code should be different.
I would try posting this on the universal devices blog. They have a whole section on IR stuff. Typically the questions are answered by one of the Universal Devices programmers.

You can download two preprogrammed sets of code from UD. The one set of codes works with a number of remotes including my Harmony. The other set they refer to as MX-J. Perhaps this set will work for you, I don't know what mx-j is but it at least starts with the same two letters as yours does!

They also suggest using a Phillips remote control if you want to learn commands as they state all Phillips products use codes that work with the ISY (the RC5 format).

You may also find your answer here at their wiki.
I have an MX-850 and there are x10 codes in the editor's database. I do have a lighting page and use it all the time. The weakest link is the IR-543 which is the ir receiver that receives the x10 IR commands from the MX-850 and puts them on the powerline. Unfortunately, the IR543 is a single house code only but it works fine. There is a multiple hc version but it's rather expensive. This is an x10 only solution but using it to trigger Insteon scenes sounds like a good idea. Good luck.