what to do with chumby

I am not sure what you are looking at; but typically you can do a clip and paste with SSH and Putty.  That said you can go baby steps one line at a time from the instructions.
Personally (old fashioned) I prefer the command line sometimes such that I can see a bit more what I am doing.
What specific link are you looking at?    For a script its basically just running the whole thing.  ....sh ./script.
I have though run pieces of a script and left out pieces that I do not want to run; manual effort.
Well I am right at the edge of my comfort zone when working with command lines and have never used Putty before.  I have used telnet a little bit, but not to move files, just set variables on devices.
I suppose if I knew how to show a directory on the chumby and knew which files to swap out for others, or maybe they are already named the same so I can just overwrite.  I really don't know.  I only got as far as successfully connecting with Putty.   It is my understanding that from there you use cmd line to do the rest.
You can look at the directory structure with your wintel box using WinSCP.  That said you have to be careful with what is moved or deleted or replaced.
This is where the script comes in.  The default (if I recall right) was to put the script on your USB stick; when the Chumby boots it looks for a file called debug chumby (not sure if I remember this right).  Once there it'll run a script which will auto copy files from your USB stick to your chumby; plugnplay like.  This way you don't really need to utilize the command line.  Thing is you will not see what it is doing and you will probably need to wait until the chumby reboots.  Then just go to the Info screen and it'll tell you what FW level of code you are running.
My Chumby's are unplugged and sitting on some shelf right now and I forgot mostly what I did with them anymore; drifted off to playing with other stuff. 
You can "see" a directory by typing "ls".  If you type "ls --help'; it'll tell you the directory structure.  Personally I always first go to the root; IE: "cd /"; from there you can see anything.  Just go slow and have a look see. 
Here is some SSH stuff going to my MythTV box.
root@mythtv's password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-36-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com/
53 packages can be updated.
6 updates are security updates.
*** System restart required ***
Last login: Thu Feb 21 21:41:58 2013 from
root@ICS-MythTV:~# cd /
root@ICS-MythTV:/# ls
bin    dev   initrd.img      lib64       mnt   root  selinux  tmp  vmlinuz
boot   etc   initrd.img.old  lost+found  opt   run   srv      usr  vmlinuz.old
cdrom  home  lib             media       proc  sbin  sys      var