When the dog is home alone

Here we had a lhasa apso called Max (personally I called it a Tibetian hunting dog (he was really not a hunting dog) that we purchased when the kids were small.  He was very protective of the children; small as he was.  Not really high strung and kind of funny but had a big dog bark.  Only barked when he meant to bark (not really a chatty kathy dog).
Did bring the dog to obedience school when he was a puppy. 

He did good until he was tested; then freaked and froze in awe of the other dogs around him.
Wife decided to DIY his grooming and turned a section of the basement in to Max's grooming room.  (she purchased all of the tools / table et al to do this). 
Had a friend (well and her last name was Wolfe) while in school that had trained a 1/2 wolf / malamute that looked more wolf than malamute; gentle soul except when protective.  He was about twice her size.  Dog used their swimming pool more than they did.
My sister in law's dog came from a shelter and it's now been over two years and it really was high strung when they first got her and now she has adapted to them and them to her and she is a very gentle.  Lot's of patience.  Lately she has been trying to bring in to the house whatever she happens to find in the yard (hunting a bit).
Unrelated here had adopted a older (bronco) parrot many years ago.  I could only hold her with very thick leather gloves.  I did train her but she could take your finger off easily.  (IE she almost did that one day with a friend of mine).  She lived in my back yard on a perch.   One day picking her up she flew out of my hands and never came back.  Current parrot (blue crown) was literally plucked out of a nest in a tree in Brazil, had only a few feathers and the size of my thumb at the time.  I feed her with a nose dropper for weeks.  She has to date never liked my wife and my wife doesn't like her.  Just the way it is.  She gets ornery and will go to attack mode with her; then loses her breath.  Wife has threatened to cook her for dinner a few times now over the last few years.
Here is a picture of Kika; Doritos and mash potatoes are her favorite snack stuff.  She is the largest of the Amazon parrot species and she was around the size of her beak today when I got her many many years ago.