Recent content by kdub

  1. K

    Home Automation Dashboard

    BSR,   I appreciate a dose of reality. You have simple and effective solutions, which are usually the best. However, a bigger problem comes into play when there's multiple devices/systems working together to create a complex home automation system. My ELK keypad isn't going to tell me my ISY has...
  2. K

    Home Automation Dashboard

    Work2Play and BSR make some valid points, obviously from experience.   Displaying the data is one thing, but I'm realizing that consolidating and displaying it in a format that is meaningful is the true challenge here. As BSR points out, most things are automated, so manual control isn't as...
  3. K

    Home Automation Dashboard

    I suppose my inspiration comes from Sci-Fi movies where they have these neat graphical interfaces which convey all sort of information.   pete_c, Personal preference is clearly a big factor. I much prefer the flat gauges as depicted in your second picture where you seem to prefer glossy analog...
  4. K

    Home Automation Dashboard

    I have this vision of a real-time dashboard that shows the status of house systems and sensors that is presented using graphical elements. The dashboard would also provide standard controls over these systems. Although tablets would be the target device, it would also work on a computer. I'm...
  5. K

    Dimming LED

    I've been running the transformer Desert_AIP linked for almost 3 years with an embedded Insteon In-LineLinc Dimmer and have had 0 issues. Like Frederick, I installed the transformer in the cabinet above the range hood as there's conveniently a spare outlet in there. 
  6. K

    OmniPro II and Airscape Whole House Fan

    I don't think you need to supply voltage as it's provided by the control board through the COM RED wire. Instead, you want to hook up a relay so that when the relay is activated, it interconnects the COM RED and START BLACK wires - I would assume this would provide the low speed setting. Another...
  7. K

    Daylight Savings Issues

    I always look forward to DST events. The Elk "sprung" ahead two hours today - why am I not surprised!   M1G: 5.2.10 M1XEP: 1.3.28
  8. K

    Voice Activated Home Automation

    Nice work guys! I started customizing the ISY plugins to suit my needs and realized that setting up new rules would be easier if the ISY REST API was abstracted a little so I don't have to clutter the plugin code with all the technical REST stuff. So I'm working on a library for the ISY-99i -...
  9. K

    Elk M1 email.. I give up

    Your ISP may be blocking outgoing connections on port 25. A lot of ISPs do this in an attempt to reduce spam originating from their networks.
  10. K

    Now What?

    Before I installed my system, I hooked up some of the components on the floor of my office. This obviously delays your installation, but allows you to verify the critical components are functional and gets you familiar with the system and how things are wired. Then, if something isn't working...
  11. K

    Thank You!!!!

    I would have to agree with Work2Play on the power consumption; the calculations in Odeen's post are not correct. A 95W processor does not consume 95W 120V AC. Instead, that's how many watts it consumes in DC from the computer's power supply. The wattage rating of computer components and...
  12. K

    Parking a Domain Name

    With GoDaddy, you provide some keywords and they use those keywords to determine the content (links) that are displayed on your site (similar to how Google determines what do display for their Ads). You have some options like selecting the site design from templates based upon the content theme...
  13. K

    m1XEP setup problems

    You'll need to install a resistor across output 2 to get rid of this warning.
  14. K

    Elk Date Advanced

    Mystery solved!
  15. K

    Wrong Date on Keypads

    There are a couple of us that have noticed the same thing in this thread: