Recent content by Stinger

  1. S

    [Article] KickStarter: Digital Wi-Fi Shades for your Home

    I've been interested in this technology for quite some time, but it has been cost prohibitive. Was hoping this would bring it down to affordable levels. I did donate, and an hour later (today) they pulled the plug on the campaign!
  2. S

    Front End for HomeSeer 2.x based system

    I'm joining this discussion a bit late, but I'm shocked that people are still considering the Audrey as a TS interface to build around. While I enjoyed mine for quite some time, I got rid of them about a year and a half to two years ago because of the slowness (and I had a slimmed down image)...
  3. S

    DVR Units - Opinions needed

    Unfortunately, all of the D1 units I have looked at are about $1800 or more. For home use, do you think it would make that much of a difference? The same unit as above with D1, except the addition of SATA, ESata backup port, spot monitor output and 8 drive support instead of 4, for about $1750...
  4. S

    Key Fob's

    I would like it to just be able to send triggers, possibly through a digital input to my automation system, and I would imagine that I'd need a different output from it for every "user". Essentially, looking to see how the proximity detection market has grown while I've been out of the loop. MS...
  5. S

    Key Fob's

    I haven't done much research at all on Home Automation in the last year, but is there anything relatively inexpensive (under $500) that is turnkey in terms of the readers and keyfobs (or RFID) on the market? Now, when I say turn key, I mean something that easily plugs into a HA system whether it...
  6. S

    DVR Units - Opinions needed

    I just came across a great source to buy this DVR unit for $1199.00, and was curious if anyone had any opinions on it? It's a bit pricey, but it has the following specs and $1599 is the cheapest I've seen it online: 16 channel video / 16 channel audio, pentaplex, 480fps, DVD-RW, 250 SV series...
  7. S

    Shopping for Another UPS

    Hey there.. Good to see the locals are still into Home automation.. it's been a while since I've been here, but I am using the APC SmartUPSes, and outside of the monitoring you get, I'd go with a cheaper model without the bells and whistles. I would definitely shop around. It's unfortunate that...
  8. S

    Quest for new cameras turns up deal

    Thanks! It's good to be back, but there are so many HA projects that I have on my list, and so little time! I hope to check in a bit more often now. My biggest projects: Get HS 2 running again (had server crash) and buy stand-alone DVR and some additional cameras to supplement Active Webcam.
  9. S

    Quest for new cameras turns up deal

    It's been quite a while, but I now can get wholesale prices for intellicam. If anyone is still looking for these cameras, let me know. The prices beat even those on the site I originally found in this thread.
  10. S

    SlingBox AV for $160 From

    I have a slingbox, and I use it with my Motorola Q phone when I'm stuck in airports. There is nothing like being able to watch TV to make time go faster in airport hell. At home, I have Intermec Touch Screen PC's that I bought for a little over $100 and they work fine with the viewer. I...
  11. S

    It's official, I can pull no more wire

    I think I am a member of the over-wiring anonymous club, and I will back up the statement Guy made that it will take you the next twelve years to terminate everything. I still have bundles of cable wrapped semi-neatly in my automation closet that I have to search through every time I want to...
  12. S

    Another Whole House Audio Question

    The Sonos system is now partially installed, I did a quick write-up on it on my site: Link I still need to get some integration finished, but I absolutely love the upgrade over my previous implementation of whole-house music! A couple minor complaints, but it's well worth the...
  13. S

    Another Whole House Audio Question

    Thanks for the update. The Sonos that I bought from Amazon (using 20% off dealpass giftcards- Not for the risk adverse, but I saved over 10k this year on purchases from Home Depot, Lowes, Sunoco, Amazon and Staples) should be delivered this afternoon. I haven't had a lot of time for home...
  14. S

    Another Whole House Audio Question

    Upstate- Did you ever decide to go with the Sonos.. I've decided to give up my homebrew system and get the Sonos. It arrives Monday. Was just curious how you made out with the decision, or if you just moved on to other HA projects. ;)
  15. S

    Smarthome 25% off

    LOL, Electron's Cyborg is going nuts.. Anyways, heres another hot deal: /973540.html I put spaces in so it doesnt get deleted again. Cheapest price online: $2875.00 Smarthome w/free shipping after 25%: $2,249.25