The referenced article says:
My friend is very concern about my idea and he told me that the socket is dangerous as it is exposed and not water proof, i told him that the socket is secured enough because the matching lead that will goes into it is secured and water tight plus i will put some kind of rubber shielding around it.
It is recommended to treat all connections with dielectric grease before attaching the wires. The dielectric grease is a non-conducting grease that will not cause short circuit across the connector leads, and will fill the air gaps to prevent them from getting water in case of rain. The grease repeals the water and will extend the life of the contacts. Fill the connector with enough grease - the metal leads will displace the grease where required and will make a good metal to metal contact.
The easiest dielectric grease to find is the the one used for car tune-ups (spark plugs, etc.). Check your auto-parts. If you are going to use a lot, you can check the company that makes the grease for the car making companies:
You can place a small size order from their small volume distributor:
TAI Lubricants, Inc.
P.O. Box 1579
Hockessin, DE 19707
Tel: 302-326-0200
Fax: 302-326-0400
Toll Free 1-877-99NYOIL (1-877-996-9645
[email protected]
I ordered from them a 17oz can of NyoGel 760G for shielding some ethernet data drops from the corroding sanitizating products at my work (about $60, but it yields a lot). They may recommend another one for you application. I use a one of the syringes used to dispense oral medicines to babies to pull the grease out of the can and apply into the connectors.
Finally, for even further protection, consider placing some Liquid Tape® outside of the connection. You can buy it at Home Depot. A good trick is to place a thin wire outside the connector before applying the Liquid Tape for peeling the rubber up when needed by pulling the wire.