What tablet are you using in bathroom?
It is an Openpeak tabletop tablet which was made / sold around 2010 or so.
It was sold by the telco's as a video VOIP phone, Zigbee controller (energy stuff).
It ran Linux / flash on an Intel Atom based motherboard.
Modded these with a new bios,rtc with battery, SSD and other hardware modes to run Windows embedded.
Today the HSTouch configured tabletops (15 of them) mostly run Windows XPe with Homeseer touch and speaker. Some Ubuntu ones run SqueezePlayer and some stream television. It also runs Android. A couple also run OmniPro touch.
They are tabletop kiosks and not portable wireless tablets. (no batteries) POE Gb powered today.
They are all over the house. (3 in the master bedroom and 1 in the master bathroom).
It has built a built in Gb Nic, WLAN, Bluetooth, DECT, Zigbee chips.
I have never seen anything that looks close to the device until the recent Amazon touchscreen device; well and the old Homeseer tabletop touchscreen.
Is it for HomeSeer?
Yes. It also works as a client to other automation software that I have tinkered with.