Ethernet i/o card with wiegand interface


New Member

Me and a couple of my friends that are all from the security bussiness is thinking about starting a bussiness. Two of them areelectrical engineers and fairly skilled. We are in the planning stages, so I would be interrested in any input you might have.

The card will be linuxbased, running on a arm processor. A small microcontroller handles four wiegand interfaces for cardreaders and such, and 8 relay outputs for 230v, eight analog inputs that can handle balanced alarm circuits, a i2c interface for tempsensors etc. We are considering making the card open, so that it is possible to use it for whatever purpose it might be suited for.

I am wondering if this is something anyone would buy or have any use for? Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. I do not think this should count as advertising since it does not yet exist as a product ;)

Best regards
