Garage Motion - Zone type of Burglar Interior Follower?

If you are that paranoid about the relay being stuck on due to a rule, maybe consider getting an Elk-960 which to me would seem more reliable in terms of guaranteeing it would turn off properly.

Ehh, not really paranoid. I know the Elk is a reliable panel. I don't know how much I had really thought about it before it was mentioned above. My concern was really more of what damage, if any, could be done if the output were left on for an extended period of time (ie. hours). I physically attempted to do this by pressing and holding the GDO button for a few seconds, and nothing happened - the GDO operated as expected. It actually seems that the GDO only responds to the initial contact and seems to ignore the rest of the 'press' (and nothing on release). While I don't think this would fail, I was just curious and wasn't sure if there really was any reason to be concerned (possibly something that I wasn't thinking about). I've actually deleted the rule that was written to check and turn the output off... and just have it set to be triggered for 1s. My OHD sensor should be here sometime next week, so for now, this just provides me with multiple ways/places that I can open/close the garage door.