HA/HT Software review

BSR would it not be better to have that unit controlled by HS and then just have ML control HS with Krumpy's plugin? Is there a HS plugin for that device yet?
That's the problem John, there is no HS plugin on the horizon for that device.


Let me see, I don't have a lot of time to spend on this stuff right now though.
I'd be surprised if it's much easier to interface to the unit with ML than it is with HS. The protocol is not particularly difficult - you could handle it in a script. It does a lot of handshaking, though. This complicates the script. It's one case where I think I'd say a plugin is better than a script. This way, the plugin can handle all of the handshaking business and let HS get on with it's own process.
BSR and others,
David Kindred and I are colaborating on a plugin for this device.
Automated Outlet - Only due to me not ever trying out the package other than a very old and early version.

Rupp said:
BSR and others,
David Kindred and I are colaborating on a plugin for this device.
Very cool Rupp, I would be very interested in this device. You could make a very cheap distribution system with it. Please keep us informed of the progress.
When someone actually has the unit in hand. I could take a stab at writing the Generic Serial plugin for it as long as they are willing to test.