Home-made X10 noise filters???


Active Member
There's been some discussion over is HS land regarding the differannce between SH's 5 and 10A filterlincs only being a $0.88 fuse (or something like that). What's keeping someone from making a DIY filter, are the components available off the shelf? I'm sure one of you electronics gurus could figure it out (or I hope you can).

I recently read a post by Guy Lavoie where he talked about how the components of a nightlite where introducing noise into his system, so it seems like if we have a collective knowledge of what components cause noise, do we know what components get rid of it?

EDIT: I found this over at the HS board, but the links are either dead or blocked by my office (I'll try again from home).
I've heard of people doing that and also of the fuse difference in the filters too.

I think it probably could be done. You just have to ask yourself though which is better to do, buy a $15 filter or go to the store to get the $.88 cent part and spend the time to make one. Also, you'll have to house it in something as well. It might not be the best time/money value to build one from scratch but perhaps it might make sense to try the 5 amp to 10 amp upgrade - not sure.
jrfuda said:
I recently read a post by Guy Lavoie where he talked about how the components of a nightlite where introducing noise into his system, so it seems like if we have a collective knowledge of what components cause noise, do we know what components get rid of it?
It wasn't noise, but signal attenuation ("signal sucking") due to a capacitor used to drop the line voltage for a LED. It almost looked like a short circuit to the 120 kHz carrier frequency used by X10.