moisture sensor giving me grief

I read originally not to purchase the combo sensor because the light sensor design was flawed, I read that the barometer design was also flawed and caused some issues along with the lightning sensor causing issues on a one wire network. Now I read that the moisture meter is problematic.
I don't know where you get all that from. I have all the sensors you mention (and more) working happily. As for the moisture issue discussed in this thread, you seem to be assuming that the problem is the moisture board rather than the sensor; are you sure that's the case?

But maybe hobby boards doesn't care eh?
My personal experience has been of a very high level of customer service from Hobby Boards.

Hello David,

Like you I have been bitten by the HA automation bug....this leading to the weather station ...this leading to the purchasing of means to measure temperature, humidity etc. Sometimes I spend too much time looking and researching what the next little device that I will be adding to my little collection. I still buy these because of their low cost and function whether there are issues with the devices or not.

IE: Many folks utilize the AAG 1-wire weather station today. It was offered for the hobbyist weather person. Its been around for many years and yes there are flaws with the design which can cause inaccuracies in wind direction, wind speed and temperature. These are all well documented.

The more folks that purchase said products the more folks start to use them and learn about them and yes these same folks start seeing things. It could be a voltage value that doesn't make sense. It could be some sort of noise being generated on their 1-wire networks.

I have been on both sides of the fence providing a product and being the purchaser of said product. Yes there have been documented issues with the products I mentioned. Yes there have been adjustments to the products to correct said concerns by the avid hobbyists. That is great that these folks bring up the issuess and find ways to make things work.

A statement like "We are looking at a redesign in the future but for now we will let people who have this problem know of the solution. We will probably put something up on the website to make users aware of this potential problem before they purchase the unit." is great but it needs to be followed up on.
